Oct 9, 2005

You haven't been with us the past few weeks ...

So maybe we should catch you up!

1. We got married! July 16, 2005

2. We went to DiSnEy WoRlD for our honeymoon ~ July 17 - July 23.

3. We packed all of our belongings into the cars and a trailer

4. We got to the apartment

STORY TIME: Once we got to the apartment, there was no electricity at all. As much of a problem as it could have been, it was no big deal. Our neighbors from across the hall went upstairs and messed with the main electrical box thingy and got the electricity flowing. Whew.
I was also expecting it to take hours and days to get everything all settled. Yeah, it took about an entire day. That was it. One day! Praise the Lord :)

5. Dan's parents and sister, Tori, came along to help get everything in order. We are so so blessed to have them in our lives. Not just because they helped us buy everything we would need to get started, and continue to help us along the way, but because of their love and constant support. See, here's them >>
helping us get some pictures hung. They spent the whole time with us, until everything was all set up and in order.

So that was our recap for getting married and settling into our new home. Hmm... I think the rest we'll update as a regular post individually instead of as a list :)

Until Then!

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