Mar 9, 2007

OK "wheew....." *breathing air out*

There are times when I forget that people read these things. Times when I will write something, and then a few months later someone mentions it. At that moment, I think to myself, "oh wow.. they were reading that. Yikes ... what else did I say that they might have read??" This is not one of those times. I am well aware that you are reading this. And I am making a post at 1 am and choosing to post this on here to ensure that I have some accountability in this area of my life. I want you to mention it at some point and just ask something like, "hey, how's that going anyway?"

Dave Hasz is an incredible man of God who has spoken things into my life ... been a vessel which God has used to breathe life into my life. It's been a long time since I've heard a fresh message from him, but I was fortunate enough to have listened to a podcast from the Honor Academy alumni website (I would post the link to it so that you could have the opportunity to listen, but you can only access it if you are an alumni ... and if you are one, you already know how to get there).

The message I listened to tonight was entitled "Eternal Accountability". Needless to say, God has grabbed my heart tonight with this message ...

This is Dan interupting my blog: sometimes the kitty is kind of smelly. He just smells, but we love him. And we want him to know that.

Mar 6, 2007

An Update! An Update!

Yea! I'm posting an update. It seems like I don't post as much as I used to. I remember when I first got a blog back in 2002-2003.... I probably posted on that darn xanga site every day for a year. If not that much, definitely pretty close!!

We're doing great :). We went back home to Indiana last weekend to do our taxes. Our taxes are DONE! Thank the Lord. Everyone is sick at home - keep em in your prayers. Babies seem to be doing better, Moreys seem to be doing better, Grammy seems to be doing a lot better. Which is all great - but now I think we might be coming down with colds. Oh well, that's life, eh? We completely missed the Iowa Blizzards - again, thank the Lord! We saw probably a dozen or so cars in ditches on the way back home. Yeah, just abandoned in the middle of the highway or off to one side. It was just crazy. When we got home, there was SO much snow in the driveway. I told Dan "let's just leave it for tonight and take care of it tomorrow" but then he reminded me that if we didn't dig ourselves out that night (it was about 10pm, mind you), I wouldn't be able to go to work the next morning (oh, darn). So we did it. Took probably about an hour.

Horatio was fine! He's fat and happy as ever :).

My good friend from Teen Mania, Melanie Farrow, once said that I am a freak when it comes to online stuff. I thought she was just silly when she said that, but more and more, I'm starting to realize that she was SO RIGHT. Think about how many websites I've used on a relatively consistent basis... xanga...blogger...myspace...facebook... and I'm sure PLENTY more.


OK - now, I've made a decision that we need to choose one site to blog and maybe one to have as a family site or whatever - and that's it. Because I hate confusing people when I change things around - they're always like, "hey, what are you using now?? I used to read your blog all the time but I haven't seen an update" and then I come to find out that the blog they've been trying to read is one I haven't used in over a year. SO this is it. Blogger will always be my blog site. will always be our family site. I just have to resist the urge to try something new. (This is a horrible problem, isn't it? I'm so used to CHANGE that even in ridiculous things like this, I can't sit still long enough to be consistent)

Our family site will actually be linked with the rest of our families - so that is pretty darn cool.