Nov 24, 2005

Happy Turkey Day!!

We had Thanksgiving on Sunday at the church. So ... this is just a wonderful long weekend for us! Although, we did go to Perkins for lunch/dinner (lincher ..?) and had pumpkin pie, of course. Yum!

You know what - one of the guys sitting at our table last Sunday said that he never equates pumpkin pie with Thanksgiving, but with Christmas!! (What?? pumpkin ... fall ... thanksgiving ... make sense to anyone else?) And when we asked him which pie he does equate with Thanksgiving, he said APPLE pie. Now ... I think I would equate apple pie with Christmas if any holiday. Think about it ... Christmas ... warm smells ... hot cocoa ... cinnamon ... apple cinnamon pie ? Yeah.

SO - We are getting ready to go see a movie now :). Pride and Prejudice, I think. I saw Just Like Heaven yesterday - loved it. I think Reese Witherspoon is one of my favorite actresses. Dan went to see Harry Potter (he claims out of curiosity ... uh huh). Kind of weird, I know - but he went to his movie while I was at work, and I went to mine while he was at work. So ... it's kind of like we went together! Only not.

Well, we're going to go see our Thanksgiving movie! Have a happy holiday!! Do something good for someone else :) (Yes, it is a giving holiday ...)

Nov 20, 2005

Trip to Walgreens

We went to Walgreens to get some hotdog buns ... and we thought it would be a great idea to take the kitty! So, we put on Horatio's leash and harness, and brought him with us. He did a pretty good job :). I think that the car ride kind of freaked him out ... he started making a low, pathetic meow. Oh, it was awful.

Makes me wonder what he was thinking. Are we going to the vet? Are we taking him to a new family? Are we abandoning him? Hopefully, he felt secure and loved with us, even though we were going to a new place.

Dan went inside to get the hotdog buns, and I stayed out with the kitty. I think we'll save our next trip for when we go home to Indiana for Christmas. Yes, we're bringing Horatio with us on an 8 hour trip. (We're crazy).

We love our precious kitty cat. He's a crazy jungle pirate fighter. Can you see his clipped ear (left)? Just a little bit. We're not sure how he got it, but we like to think it was in a fight against pirates in the great Atlantic.

Nov 8, 2005

I have been blessed with the best husband in the world! I came home from a long day of work ... and he had cleaned the house for me! Now, if he didn't know my love language before - he sure does now :)

I love it, love it, love it -- cause it makes me want to more and more and more for him :). So is this how God intended it to be? I think so :).

I could talk all day about how much I love Dan, and how much he means to me. But ... I won't bore you with all that :). I just had to express how much I love my husband and how much I appreciate all that he does for me!

Thank you, God, for bringing this incredible man into my life!

Nov 5, 2005

I've been thinking about Mary Kay every once in awhile. I believe in what it does for women. I believe in how it enables women to soar among the stars and be able to provide for their family in a real way. But the entire time that I have been doing it, I've been trying to find some purpose in it, some cause. The only thing that I can really wrap my arms around is what it could be for my family. It would enable me to stay home with my kids, while contributing financially. I want to be able to use a portion of the money I make to send kids on mission trips. Stuff like that. But what am I really doing for women out there? Could I incorporate it into something bigger? I don't know. I thought about just offering friends and family to get everything half off through me - but then I wouldn't be making that profit at all. Does it matter? Maybe I could just be a door for another woman to enter into the world of MK?

I love what I'm doing right now, with State Farm. I am loving my work in the Bank products - helping people save money on things they have to have anyway, in order to be financially sound and secure. I love it. I love being knowledgable in such things, so that I can help those around me to better understand their finances and be better prepared for the future. I love it, because I'm helping people and it has a purpose. When I have kids, though, I'm not going to be able to do this full time - maybe part time? I don't know.

But that's what I want in MK or whatever I do. I want a purpose. I want flexibility - because my God does come first, and my family does come second - and then I can focus on a career.