Sep 12, 2009

We're Moving!

We've finally sold our house! Hooray! We still have a ways to go, though. We have inspections on Monday and Tuesday of this week. We expect everything to go well, but you just never know. If everything DOES go well, the closing date is set for October 8, 2009. Doesn't that seem SO soon? It does to me. From there, we have a few options:

  • Move back to Indiana (which we will eventually)
  • Stay with our pastor and his wife while Dan finishes up in Ottumwa
  • Stay at the parsonage in Ottumwa while Dan finishes his work there

It's just such a great thing that we've gotten this far. Please keep praying for everything to go smoothly. We can't tell you how much we appreciate your prayers!!

My Signature

1 comment:

iheartdeals said...

How exciting! Oct. 8 is a good day. (It's my birthday.)