Sep 18, 2009

Trip to Maryland

Well, I made it! I met my cousin, Emily, in Michigan on Tuesday. Wednesday, we headed out by train to my parents' home in Maryland. We arrived Thursday at Union Station in Washington D.C. at about 2pm. From there, we took the Metro train to my mom and dad's, took showers, and then headed to the Cracker Barrell for dinner with the family. Today, we went to Gettysburg - and it was great! I'll have to get on and blog about what I got out of it. But I need to cut it short today. Tomorrow we head to Mount Vernon!

My Signature


Beth said...

Sounds like you are having a great time :-)

Hey, how did you do your cute header?

hartstein family said...

I made it from scratch in photoshop. If you have an idea for one that you'd like to try, maybe I could help you make one! Just let me know if I can help :)

hartstein family said...

Hey Beth, here are two other blogs of mine. I made the header on both of these, too: (my quiet time blog) (my pregnancy journal)

I don't advertise these two at all, really, because they're more personal to me. I actually struggled with the idea of having them online, but I just really enjoy journaling online. Weird self expression maybe? :) Just thought I'd share though, so that you could see what other headers I made recently