Sep 14, 2009

Waiting in Ottumwa

Dan has been working in Ottumwa exclusively since about the middle of August. Ottumwa is 2 hours away from where we live in Des Moines. Yes, so he has to drive 2 hours to work, work an 8-12 hr shift, and drive 2 hours home. On his 12 hour days, he usually spends the night to save energy and time. Tonight is one of those nights. And since I'm traveling by train from Ottumwa to start my journey to my parents' home tomorrow, I came along with him.

I used to HATE coming with him down to Ottumwa. Sure, at first, it was kind of fun, being in a new place and all. But then I decided that there was nothing for me to do while I waited the 5 hours for the hotel to allow me into our room. There was one horrible day when I had to be in this town for about 8 hours with what I thought was literally nothing to do, but to walk around maybe Target and sleep in the car. That day I was forced to find something. To my delight, there actually is more here than I thought. There's the library, where I can take my computer and use the free wifi. There's a movie theatre. Yes, I can walk around Target, Walmart or the Mall (although the mall isn't very impressive). They have a beautiful central park. There are restaurants and fast food places where I can eat and read or use the computer. No starbucks though. I do know people who live in Ottumwa, but to this day, I have never run into anyone. Sad.

This morning, I drove us here so that Dan could sleep on the way. When I dropped him off at work, I was soo tired - I slept for a good three hours in the car :). When I woke up, I went to Walmart, got some snack supplies for my trip and assembled everything into my carryons. And now, I'm at the library, using my computer and their free wi-fi. Here is my view:

It's the Wapello Courthouse. I'm sitting on a stool, working, facing the windows, and the courthouse is just across the street.

From here, I'll probably go check us into the hotel. Maybe sleep some more :). I do need to make some phone calls, etc. We are in the middle of trying to sell our house, of course. There is still a lot to do, even if I am escaping for a few days. *sigh* I wish Dan could escape, too. He needs to more than anyone I know.

So tomorrow morning, my train leaves from the amtrak station at about 10 am.

I have never before been on an amtrak train. My dad says he enjoys it. I hope I will, too! Again, I know I've said this before, but I'm just so glad I don't have to drive.

Did you know that Tom Arnold is from Ottumwa?

That is SO weird to me, because I just can't imagine him walking along the streets of this town. Or .. shopping here or going to school here. It's like I imagine he just appeared in Hollywood one day, without a past of his own :) You know, I love the show 'Roseanne'. And, of course, Tom Arnold was on that show for awhile. Do you remember 'The Lunchbox' from the show? It was the restaurant that Roseanne and her sister Jackie ran together? Well, there is a little luncheon here in Ottumwa called 'Canteen Lunch' that 'The Lunchbox' was based on. It kind of makes me want to stop by there on my way out of town! Miss Universe of 1956, Carol Morris, was also from Ottumwa.

My Signature

1 comment:

Beth said...

I didn't know that you were using this blog again. Yay! :-)