Jan 28, 2011

I have been thinking about our family blog and I've been wondering: When you visit a blog, what do you like to read about? What is it that you read that makes you think at the end, "Wow, I can't wait til they post something new" ?

I've had many blogs in the past and I've blogged about many things. The problem is - I'm inconsistent and unfocused.

When I think about why I return to family blogs, it's usually because I know the people being discussed. I know that I like to see things like:
  • Weekly recaps on what's happening with the family
  • Milestones of children within the family
  • Stories from daily life that correlate with pictures posted
  • Newsflash moments
Yes, there have been times when I've reread some of my blogs from the past and simply been embarrassed. Why? I suppose because I ramble, mostly. Or I'll have been in a goofy mood, tried to write something funny, and when I reread it now - it's just sounds stupid :) Other times I forget that there's an audience and I'll write about something that might be more appropriate for my personal journal.

So while we're still in January, I'm going to make somewhat of a resolution for my 2011 blogging. I'm going to do my best to remain focused on the types of postings that I like to read in others' blogs. I'm going to do my best to refrain from rambling or sharing things that should remain in my personal journal. And I'm going to do my best to post more often.

Here's to a more enjoyable year of blogging!!

My Signature

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