Mar 12, 2010

It's been a little while since I last posted anything. I find myself this afternoon at the North Liberty public library, running an errand for a friend (online) - So I might as well try to catch up!

Well, I officially have PUPPPs. It's a rash that only 1% of pregnant women get during their third trimester. And 70% of them have boys! We are pretty sure that we're having a girl ... so how did I beat those odds??

It itches quite a bit, but the more I research it, the more I find ways to cope with it. I really don't want to use steroid cremes if I can avoid it. That being said, I REALLY don't want to take oral steroids if I can avoid it. So I've been using Grandpa's brand pine tar soap (heard about it in a forum and thought I'd try it out - it actually does soothe the ithcing!) and I've begun to take dandelion root (in a capsule. Again, found out about it in a forum). From what I hear, the dandelion root has helped women recover in a matter of 5 days or so. As opposed to what the doctors prepare you for - they told me I won't recover until after I deliver the baby. We'll see. I would love to have our baby sooner, but the longer she can stay in is probably better.

I'm determined to enjoy the last few weeks of my pregnancy. I know we don't have that much longer to go ... so I'm trying to think of what I could do to make this time more special and memorable? We pretty much have everything for her ready, so far as the room and supplies go. We got half of our diaper stash in the other day (we're doing cloth diapers - yay!) and I'm expecting the other half any day now. I've journaled and journaled and journaled over the past 8-9 months. I've begun a family history book for her (which gives a lot of room for her to continue in the way future). One thing I've been thinking about more and more is that I should probably start a walking routine, especially now that it's getting warmer out. The post office is close, and that's probably where I'll head. We have a PO Box, so I have to go there every day anyway. And once Abi's here, that'll be a routine for us ... taking the jogging stroller out for a spin to the post office. If I start now, not only will it help get me in the habit, but it may also provide some good thinking time to start to prepare myself mentally for what's ahead. Or some time to specifically talk with Jesus about stuff on my mind. Either way - I love walking outside.

If you have any other ideas of things I could do to make these last few weeks more memorable - I'd love to hear about them!! Maybe I should make a cast of my itchy belly .... or is that gross?

My Signature

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