Jan 8, 2010

Lamenting over no Internet

Since I've been in Indiana (Oct 8 was moving day), I haven't had cable or the Internet. Ok, seriously, I am just fine without cable. I can watch hulu or download something to iTunes if there was something I really wanted to see. But I have to be honest - I HATE not having the Internet. There is only so much I can do on my iPhone.

When I go to the coffee shop to use the internet - I'm there for about four hours! How am I going to do that with a baby?? I won't be able to, I can tell you that much.

Ugh. This is me talking aloud to myself, trying to convince myself that we need some kind of Internet. Now to get Dan on the same page....

I was curious to see the first episode of the bachelor, so I'm trying to download it. Only two hours to go!

- Andrea

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Starbucks on Ireland Rd

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