Nov 20, 2005

Trip to Walgreens

We went to Walgreens to get some hotdog buns ... and we thought it would be a great idea to take the kitty! So, we put on Horatio's leash and harness, and brought him with us. He did a pretty good job :). I think that the car ride kind of freaked him out ... he started making a low, pathetic meow. Oh, it was awful.

Makes me wonder what he was thinking. Are we going to the vet? Are we taking him to a new family? Are we abandoning him? Hopefully, he felt secure and loved with us, even though we were going to a new place.

Dan went inside to get the hotdog buns, and I stayed out with the kitty. I think we'll save our next trip for when we go home to Indiana for Christmas. Yes, we're bringing Horatio with us on an 8 hour trip. (We're crazy).

We love our precious kitty cat. He's a crazy jungle pirate fighter. Can you see his clipped ear (left)? Just a little bit. We're not sure how he got it, but we like to think it was in a fight against pirates in the great Atlantic.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Andi, you just look so adorable in this picture! I hope that you guys have a wonderful Thanksgiving!